Friday, March 15, 2013

Prince Charming

What happens when he is your Prince Charming, but you are not his Cinderella? Do you just stand by and watch him Dance the night away with the "Evil Stepsister" or do you take charge and throw your glass slipper at him? I have never been the type to just walk right up to a guy and say "Hey you there! You are going to be my new boyfriend!" I have imagined myself doing it plenty of times, but in the end I am always the one in the back of the room watching the crowd go by having fun. I am having fun don't get me wrong, but it's lonely fun. Sure I have friends come up to me and try to include me, but nobody wants to just sit there with the girl who doesn't make any moves. They try and set me up with people. Tell me to open up and just ask someone to dance. I can't help that the only times I finally open up and "man up" I get hurt. Knock a girl girl down why don't you!

Looking at my Prince Charming, on the other hand make me want to scream and yell at any girl who dares talk to him. The sad thing is, he doesn't even see me. I am the girl who sits in the back of class. The girl who he calls best friend. The girl who he will only see as a best friend.

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